Kamis, 21 Desember 2017

Expressing an invitation

Expressing an invitation
Scope : Senior High School grade X First Semester

Expressing an Invitation
Invitation is one word that we often hear in social in everyday. Eventhough, so many people didn't know the meaning of "Invitation", the purpose, and generic structure of invitation in english. so this is the "Expression of Invitation" learning.

The Meaning of Invitation
According to Oxford Learner's Dictionary interpret "invitation" as follows: "a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere"
So "invitation" is a request of spoken or written way to someone to do something or go somewhere.
while According to vocabulary.com, invitation is: "An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event."

Generic Structure
In general, each invitation has its own uniqueness but overall it can be underscored that the invitation text will be written with the following structure:
1. Invitee: Who is invited
2. Body of invitation: The contents of invitations are usually the following:
·         Occasion: This invitation was created for what event
·         Day or Date: Day and date
·         Time: Time set
·         Place: The place where the invited guests are expected to attend
3. Inviter: Who invites
As I have said, the rules on it are generally how the letter is in English. We can change it according to our creativity and ability.

Expressing Accepting and Declining Invitation In Situation :
Making Invitation
·         Would you like to…? (Bisakah kamu untuk...?)
·         We would be delighted if you…? (Kami akan sangat senang jika kamu...?)
·         Would you care to..? (Bisakah kamu untuk...?)
·         Would you come to… ? (Maukah kamu datang ke...?)
·         Might you want to go along with us? (Bisakah kamu pergi bersama kami?)
·         We would be pleased if you could…? (Kami akan senang jika kamu bisa...?)
·         Would you run with me today? (Bisakah kamu pergi bersamaku hari ini?)
·         Do you like to come? (Maukah kamu untuk datang?)

Accepting Invitation
·         Thank you very much for inviting me (Terima kasih banyak sudah mengundang saya)
·         We’d like very glad to…. (Kami akan sangat senang untuk....)
·         What a delightful idea (Ide yang sangat menyenangkan)
·         That would be very nice (Itu pasti akan sangat menyenangkan)
·         With the greatest pleasure (Dengan sangat senang hati)
·         Alright, I’ll come (Baiklah, aku akan datang)
·         I’d like love to come. (Aku akan sangat senang untuk datang)
·         It’s delightful to…. (Itu sangat menyenangkan untuk....)
·         OK,I will be there ! (Ok, Aku akan datang!)
·         Sure, I am coming (Tentu saja aku datang)
·         Yes, obviously (Ya, tentu saja)

Declining Invitation
·         Sorry, I think I can't. (Maaf, sepertinya aku tidak bisa)
·         I’m very sorry, I don’t think I can go. (Maafkan aku, sepertinya aku tidak bisa pergi)
·         I’d like to, but.... (Aku ingin tapi...)
·         I don’t think I can. (Sepertinya aku tidak bisa)
·         I’m afraid I’ve already promised.... (Aku takut, aku sudah ada janji...)
·         Thank you for asking me, but.... (Terima kasih sudah mengajakku, tapi...)
·         I am horribly sad (Saya benar-benar sedih)
·         Unfortunately, I can’t.... (Sayang sekali, aku tidak bisa....)
·         I can’t come (Saya tidak bisa datang)
·         Sorry, I am very busy. (Maaf, aku sangat sibuk)
·         I wish I could, but....(Aku harap aku bisa, tapi....)
·         I'm Sorry, I can’t. (Maafkan aku, aku tidak bisa)
·         I’d love to, but....(Aku ingin tapi...)

Example of Invitation
The are 2 ways to expressing an Invitation. The first one is to write some Invitation card, and the last is by spoken or just telling to people. Here is the example of each way to expressing an invitation.
Example 1 :

Birthday Invitation that we write to our friends to make them come to our party.

Example 2 :
Zaka : Good afternoon my friends!
Hilal : heiii.. good afternoon... why are you so happy today? huh?
Zaka : You know, today is my special day
Hilal : what is that?
Zaka : Today is my birthday!!
Hilal : Really? woww... Happy birthday my friend.
Zaka : Thank you very much..
Hilal : So, is there any party for your special day? hahaha
Zaka : Yeah... Would you mind to come to my special party tonight?
Hilal : Yeah Of course I will. but where will the party be held?
Zaka : At my house's, at 7 pm
Hilal : Okay then... so who will you invite?
Zaka : I will invite all of my classmates, my old friends, and my neighbours
Hilal : Okay.. I will go there tonight
Zaka : Thankyou my friends... I will see you tonight
Hilal : Okay thankyou for inviting me

Example 3 :
The video will tell you the another example of Expressing an Invitation :

After studying about Expressing an Invitation, you will have an assignment or a task. Please prepare a piece of paper and then write your name and your Class on the top of your paper and then answer the question below.

  1. Please write each 4 sentences apart from the list above, the sentence is about making invitation, accepting invitation, and declining invitation. Make by your ownself.!
  2. Please make your own Invitation card for your birthday party!
  3. Complete the sentences below about Accepting Invitation by using the key word on the list below!

Dani : Do you have anything to do ______, Deby?
Deby : I don’t think so. Why Deby?
Dani : My Friend is going to ________ his wedding party tonight. He _____ me and I don’t want to go alone. I don’t know with whom I should go there. Would you like to accompany me, Dani?
Deby : I would ____ too, but what time, Dani?
Dani : How about at seven o’clock? I’ll pick you up.
Deby : Ok that’s fine.
Dani : _______ Deby you’re very kind.

Chaeril Bakri

Author & Editor

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